02 Sep ITACARÉ – 31 AUGUST 2019 – CACAO
Arrived last night in Itacaré, we stopped at a camping situated exactly in the middle of the town. The camping is beside the pedestrian road full of clubs and restaurants that ends in the most famous surfing beach in Bahia, Tiririca.
It was du-dum-du-dum until morning, but as it was good music, we took the disturbance with a joyful stance.
Our morning was so pleasant that we prolonged it until lunch. We didn’t take a walk to discover the place because the sun was very strong, but also because we knew this place is about surf and this is the reason we are here.
The minute he woke up, Aris climbed on the car to untie the Fantastics, our wave-riding surfboards and wax them.
The funny thing is that every time we get to a camping we repeat the same ritual.
The kids are “net-struck”, meaning finding a good wi-fi and taking advantage of that.
We cook and we wash while talking about unimportant stuff.
Today Lavinia cooked vegetable soup and hummus that we fought over. I massaged a basket of laundry which I then grudgingly squeezed and hanged them on the rope sun-facing.
I was very intrigued by the taste of the cacao fruit which I didn’t know you could eat raw. The juice of this cacao fruit is called by the locals cacao honey and is in fact a very sweet and very flavorful nectar, very similar to honey.
Chocolate is made from the pit of the cacao fruit, in fact.
Other than that, nothing, tomorrow we’ll surf!
Ajunsi aseara in Itacaré, ne-am oprit la un camping situat exact in buricul targului. Campingul se afla in lateralul strazii pietonale pline de cluburi si restaurante ce duce la cea mai celebra plaja de surf din Bahia, faimoasa Tiririca.
A fost bumtzi bumtzi pana la 4 dimineata dar cum muzica a fost foarte buna am suportat oboseala cu o oarecare placere.
Dimineata ne-a fost atat de placuta incat am tras de ea si am lungit-o pana la pranz. N-am iesit la plimbare sa descoperim orasul pentru ca soarele a fost foarte puternic dar stim ca in zona se respira surf, doar de aia suntem aici.
Aris imediat cum s-a trezit, a urcat pe masina sa dezlege fantasticele, placile noastre de calarit valuri, si sa le dea cu ceara.
Simpatic este ca in primele zile cand ajungem intr-un campig, facem identic aceleasi lucruri.
Copiii sunt “loviti de net” adica devin impracticabili din cauza unei transe ce li se intampla cand au telefoanele conectate la internet.
Noi gatim si spalam in timp ce dezbatem nimicuri interesante.
Astazi Lavinia a facut o supica de legume si un humus pe care ne-am batut. Eu am masat un cos cu rufe pe care le-am stors in ciuda si presarat pe sarma cu fata la soare. Foarte uimit am fost de gustul fructului de cacao, despre care nu stiam ca se mananca in forma lui proaspata.
Sucul facut din fructul de cacao este numit de catre localnici miere de cacao si este de fapt un nectar foarte aromat si foarte dulce, precum mierea.
Ciocolata se face din samburele fructului de cacao de fapt.
In rest, nimic, maine surfam!
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