You can have too much of a good thing, that’s what the kids learnt yesterday with the overdose of surf at improper hours.
When you have no plans, rain is your trusted friend for kitchen fun and, as it is pouring rain and we are the only ones in the camping, may the jazz play and the fire crack.
Ana took out the LEGO box and built with Aris an entire city, Carl drew and helped Lavinia make a Super Duper Gourmet Vegetable Hamburger.
It was awesome, the hamburger was made out of black beans, zucchini, potato, onion, garlic, cilantro and fixed with pepper, nutmeg, salt, and paprika.
All afternoon we recorded a new episode of Family Therapy podcast, the first one recorded on the road.
We improvised an area in the car, we put the kids on “silent” and started recording. We had fun and ended towards evening.
What does a relaxed Romanian family do in Brazil when they are having a good time?
They watch a movie connected to the audio system of the car, they hold each other, they lean back and spiral up the imagination loop.
Other than that, nothing, the dogs are fine!
Ce-i prea mult, strica, asta au invatat copiii ieri, odata cu supradoza de surf la ore nepotrivite. Cand n-ai nici un plan, este motivul picat din cer pentru distractia in bucatarie si cum afara ploua de rupe iar noi suntem singuri in camping, sa curga jazz-ul si sa trosneasca focul, nu?
Ana si-a scos cutia cu LEGO si a construit cu Aris un oras intreg, Carla a desenat si a ajutat-o pe Lavinia sa proceseze un Super Uper Gurmé Hamburger de Legume.
A iesit genial, chifteaua a fost plamadita din fasole neagra, dovlecel, cartofi, usturoi, ceapa, patrunjel si prafuita cu piper, nucsoarea, sare si paprika.
Toata dupa amiaza am inregistrat un nou episod din podcastul Terapie de Familie, primul episod inregistrat pe drum.
Am organizat ad-hoc un studio in masina, am dat copiii pe mut si am inceput inregistrarile. Ne-am distrat si pe seara am terminat.
Ce face o familie de Romani relaxati in Brazilia cand se simte bine?
Vizioneaza un film cu sunetul conectat la sistemul audio al masinii, se iau in brate, se lasa pe spate si pleaca in spirala cu imaginatia.
In rest, nimic, cainii sunt bine!
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