I find it very interesting the life of Prince Siddhartha alias fatty Buddha.
First of all I wonder why he left his family. Ok, I understood that it was for the enlightenment’s sake, but couldn’t he have done it with them?
The story goes that his only son, raised by his mother and grandfather, gets big enough and wants to claim his rights from his father directly so Buddha comes back to his native town to listen to his son.
And… surprise… the boy says he wants to follow his father and is not interested either in palaces, kingdoms, Ferraris and stuff.
The grandfather, the king, bend towards Buddha and says:
“Son, go easier with the enlightenment part or I’ll run out of people who can take care of my kingdom. Let’s make a rule. The rule is to take children only with their parents’ consent. It’s likely that all children would like to escape their school and live a hippie life, just like you, but this is impossible, I’m telling you!”
Buddha looks to his father and says:
Maybe the best form of education is the example. I will not go into the emotional intelligence in Buddha’s family because it’s obvious I don’t understand this part.
Another interesting part concerns Buddha’s mother. I seem to speak about each of his family. His mother’s name was Maya and she got pregnant with Buddha in her dream while dreaming of a white elephant.
And I was thinking, Jesus’ mother didn’t either…
The other night I dreamt of a pink elephant and I woke up frightened that God might play a trick and get me pregnant.
Foarte interesanta mi se pare viata Printului Siddhartha, alias grasutu Buddha. In primul rand ma intreb de ce si-a lasat familia. Bine, am inteles, pentru iluminare dar cu… nu se poate?
Povestea face ca unicul fiu al lui Budica, crescut de mama si bunicu’ ajunge la varsta in care vrea sa-si ceara dreptul de la taica-su direct, asa ca Buddha se intoarce in orasul natal sa-l asculte pe fie-su.
Cand surpriza… baiatul zice ca vrea sa-l urmeze si ca nu-l intereseaza nici pe el palat, regat, Ferarri, etc.
Bunicu, regele se apleaca catre Buddha si-i zice:
- Fiule, mai usor cu iluminatul ca nu mai are cine sa-mi plateasca lumina in regat. Regula este ca sa nu iei copiii decat cu acordul parintilor. Ca asa toti copiii vor sa se lase de scoala si sa o arda hippy asa ca tine, dar nu se poate, ti-am zis!
Buddha se uita in ochii lu’ta-su si zice:
- Bine.
Poate ca cea mai buna forma de educatie este exemplul. Cu inteligenta emotionala in familia lui Buddha nu ma bag, ca nu inteleg cum a facut.
Alta chestie interesanta vine din partea mamei lui Budica. I-am luat toata familia la rand! Pe mama lui o chema Maya si a ramas insarcinata in vis cu Buddha in timp ce visa un elefant alb.
Si ma gandeam… ce ciudat, nici pe mama lui Jesus nu a…
Noptile trecute am visasem un elefant roz si m-am trezit speriat ca nu cumva sa faca Dumnezeu o nefacuta sa ma lase insarcinat.
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