After Carla’s birthday party we were supposed to leave Aldeia, but a herniated disc pulled my hand brake and postponed our departure.
After a week of reading, I managed to get up unattended and continued with the departing process.
Entering Aldeia has been a process, exiting has also been a process, both full and fulfilling.
On April 15th was the end of this process and our immediate stop was at our friends, The Dobrescus where we prepared a Romanian vegetarian Easter.
We used mushrooms for drob and sarmale, both delicious.
The Dobresti have a big house on the Sargi beach in Serra Grande and we decided to quarantine together.
The beach is gorgeous and the waves perfect for surfing.
Tomorrow I’ll put my super surf-man suit on and get in the water to initialize The Dobrescus children.
Carla and Aris have been initialized into surfing during the International Surf Championship on Saquarema, if you remember, if not, you can read about it here.
Other than that, nothing, I am happy to be back!
Dupa petrecerea de ziua Carlei ar fi trebuit sa plecam din Aldeia si sa ne reluam aventura dar o hernie de disc mi-a tras frana de mana.
Dupa o saptamana de lectura am reusit sa ma ridic fara ajutor si am continuat procesul de despartire.
Sa intram in Aldeia a fost un proces, sa iesim, la fel, este un proces, ambele frumoase si pline. Pe 15 Aprilie am reusit sa parasim Aldeia si am tras repede pe dreapta la prietenii nostri Dobrestii, pentru a pregati un Paste pur vegetarian Romanesc.
In locul dragalasului miel am folosit ciuperci pentru drob si sarmale. Ambele au fost geniale. Dobrestii au o casa mare pe plaja Sargi din Sera Grande si am decis sa ne carantinizam impreuna. Plaja este superba iar valurile tocmai bune pentru surf.
De maine-mi pun costumul de super surfman si ma arunc in valuri cu copiii Dobrestilor sa-i initiez.
Pe Carla si pe Aris i-am lansat la apa cu ocazia Mondialului de Surf din Saquarema, daca va mai amintiti, daca nu cititi epopeea aici.
In rest, nimic, ma bucur ca am revenit!
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