Today we recorded a new episode of our podcast, Family Therapy with Lavinia and Gabriel.
I’ll edit it tomorrow.
I dislike that part where I listen to myself a million times to cut out silence breaks, MMMs, AAAs and other uncontrolled drifts of my tongue in the mouth.
In this new episode, we talk about communities and our experience of living in the community. I will upload it on Friday and you will be able to listen to it for the first time, which I also recommend.
Secretly, I’m still working on a project.
I’m not telling you anything yet, but it’s called “The Powders”.
I also bought the domain thepowders.com, Ducu “DaVinci” Horja is already working on the logo and me on the website.
The winter in Brazil started with the right foot.
The nights are raining and the days are beautiful.
Today, the thermometer stopped at number 28.
I couldn’t help myself and I ran with Lavinia hand in hand on the beach.
Great beach, Sargi!
White sand creaking under your feet, palm trees, coconut trees, a lot of green and a lot of baby blue.
From time to time a spot of color, a red T-shirt or a cap, a dark blue boat, or a flying surfer appear.
The sun tickles and cheers.
You can’t be upset on the beach.
The beach is a psychotherapist.
The sound of the waves, the wind and the chirping of the birds force a polite smile on your face in front of the present nature which is naked and beautiful.
A small egret in flight passed, a coconut fell and there was a fluffy cloud in the sky.
Small waves, small steps on many grains of sand.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Astazi am inregistrat un nou episod pentru podcastul nostru, Terapie de Familie cu Lavinia si Gabriel. Maine-l voi edita.
Urasc partea asta in care ma ascult de un milion de ori pentru a taia din pauze, mmm-uri, aaa-uri si alte alunecari necontrolate ale limbii prin gura.
In acest nou episod vorbim despre comunitati si despre experienta noastra de viata in comunitate.
Vineri il urc si-l veti putea asculta in premiera, ceea ce va si recomand.
Pe ascuns, mai lucrez la un proiect.
Nu va spun inca nimic dar se numeste The Powders.
Am luat si domeniul, adica thepowders.com, Ducu “DaVinci” Horja lucreaza deja pe branci la logo iar eu la website.
Gata, nu mai spun nimic!
Iarna in Brazilia a inceput cu dreptul.
Noaptea ploua iar zilele sunt superbe.
Termometrul s-a oprit in dreptul numarului 28.
Nu m-am putut abtine si cu Lavinia de mana am dat o fuga pe plaja.
Geniala plaja Sargi.
Nisip alb de-ti scartaie sub picioare, palmieri, cocotieri, mult verde si mult bleu.
Din cand in cand apare cate o pata de culoare, un tricou sau o sapca rosie, o barca albastru inchis sau un surfer zburand.
Soarele gadila si inveseleste.
Nu prea ai cum sa fi suparat pe plaja.
Plaja este de fapt un psihoterapeut.
Sunetul valurilor, vantul si ciripitul pasarilor iti obliga un zambet politicos pe fata in fata naturii de fata care e goala, frumoasa si pe fata.
O mica egreta in zbor a trecut, o nuca de cocos din palmier a cazut iar pe cer e un nor pufos.
Valuri mici, pasii mici pe boabe multe de nisip.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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