There is no better way to discover life than by living it outside the beaten track.
Only when you take a step away from the social mechanism you will be more clear on the meaning and essence of life, until then you are too busy.
This is one of the many reasons for our nomadic life-style and we see travel also as a means of education for our children.
Being a permanent tourist means that you no longer enjoy the tourist hot spots and neither crowded beaches.
Today is Sunday and I realized that beaches are going to be over crowded. Yesterday was the same, thousands of people took over the beach.
Brazilians have this beach culture so from smallest to oldest come by the ocean side to catch every ray of sun.
When everybody is on the beach we are at the market, when they eat we cook and when they leave we go on the beach, alone, to listen to the waves, ocean, birds and wind.
We closed our day on the beach with a fresh fish barbecue. Kids built sand castles in the moonlight while we drank a good wine.
Tomorrow is Monday so people will go to work and we will be aloneeee! 🙂
Nu exista cale mai buna de a descoperi viata decat traind-o in afara tiparelor ei.
Numai cand te vei detasa de mecanismele sociale vei putea vedea mai clar sensul si esenta vietii, pana atunci esti ocupat.
Asta este unul din multele motive pentru care avem un stil de viata nomad iar a calatori implineste mai multe valori ce consideram ca inseamna educatie pentru copiii nostri.
A fi un turist permanent inseamna ca nu-ti mai plac locurile turistice si nici plajele aglomerate. Astazi este Duminica si mi-am dat seama ca plajele vor fi invadate, la propriu. Ieri a fost omor pe plaja, mii de oameni de toate culorile au ocupat toata plaja pana in cel mai mic bob de nisip.
Brazilienii au dezvoltat un cult pentru plaja, asa ca de la mic la mare, bebelus sau batran, toti sunt acolo in fata oceanului incercand sa prinda toate razele soarelui.
Cand toata lumea e la plaja noi suntem la piata, cand lumea mananca noi gatim iar cand ei pleaca acasa, noi mergem pe plaja, singuri sa ascultam valurile si oceanul, pasarile si vantul.
Ziua am incheiat-o adanc in noapte pe plaja la un gratar de peste proaspat. Copiii au facut castele de nisip la lumina lunii iar noi am baut un vin bun.
Maine este luni, toata lumea incepe treaba iar noi vom fi singuuuuuuri!:)
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