It’s been a hard, but beautiful week. Preparing Ayahuasca tea implies, first of all, a huge physical burden, amplified by the tea itself.
The hardest part was being away from Lavinia and the kids.
I left with two things in my mind: to learn more about this tea and to come back a better person. I am not bad, I am no saint, either.
Until the enlightenment, there is always room for the better, you just have to look for it.
Being part of a ceremony of making Ayahuasca tea is more than a ceremony, it’s a fight with yourself.
You are torn to pieces, disharmonized and put back together in each and every second.
Your mind vanishes and the superior self puts the light into you.
It’s an experience of an eternal here and now that cannot be comprised of words.
Words are limited, they show you the direction and not the object.
After a hard, but beautiful week, I am back. Not even mighty Ayahuasca couldn’t ease the missing of my wife and children.
Dad, who is currently visiting us, is the icing on the cake of my life, which I am happily enjoying. The cake…
Dad is sometimes a little (too) bitter and should be consumed with a measure.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
A fost o saptaman grea si frumoasa. Prepararea ceaiului de Ayahuasca implica in primul rand o munca fizica extrema, la care se adauga efectele ceaiului propriu zis. Partea cea mai grea a fost distanta fata de Lavinia si cei mici.
Am plecat cu doua ganduri in minte, sa invat mai multe despre acest ceai si in acelasi timp ca experienta traita sa ma ajute sa devin un om mai bun.
Nu sunt naspa dar nici un sfant. Pana la iluminare, intotdeauna este loc de mai bine, totul este sa vrei.
A participa la o ceremonie de preparare a ceaiului de Ayahuasca este mult mai mult decat o ceremonie in sine, este o lupta a ta cu tine.
Esti desfacut in bucati, dezarmonizat si construit la loc in fiecare secunda. Mintea-ti dispare iar eul superior face lumina in tine. Este o experienta de un “aici” si un “acum” etern care nu poate fi explicata in cuvinte clare si concise.
Cuvintele sunt limitate, iti arata directia dar niciodata obiectul.
Dupa o saptamana frumoasa si grea, am revenit.
Ayahuasca cat de Ayahuasca e, nu a putut topi dorul de casa, de copii si de nevasta.
Tata care ne viziteaza, este cireasa de pe tortul vietii mele, pe care-l savurez fericit.
Pe tort!
Tata, cateodata este cam acru si trebuie savurat cu masura!
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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