There is a resemblance between athletes and artists. Athletes enjoy the pleasure of the game and artists the joy of creation.
Some athletes may become artists. I’m thinking of Nadia, Pele, Air Jordan, or even Mayweather.
Athletes and artists are driven by the same things: passion and success. From this point of view, they are privileged because they do what they like. I don’t think you can make a passion for your job if you are a metallurgical engineer.
In sports, there are losers, in art, no. Sport is an event of the moment while art goes out of time.
In sports, the lack of success throws you into the pit of mediocrity forever, while in art, you can enjoy success and post mortem.
Synonyms with to be successful are triumph, victory, or to win.
All these words imply a goal, a purpose, or a target.
Through a logical association, it appears to me that success in life is given by a goal, a purpose, or a target.
If we are breaking life into goals, we are not missing the point?
I wonder…
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Exista o asemanare intre sportivi si artisti.
Sportivii se bucura de placerea jocului iar artistii de bucuria creatiei.
Unii sportivi pot deveni artisti. Ma gandesc la Nadia, Pele, Air Jordan sau chiar Mayweather.
Sportivii si artistii sunt manati de pasiune.
Din punctul asta de vedere sunt privilegiati pentru ca fac ceea ce le place. Nu cred ca poti sa-ti faci o pasiune din job daca esti inginer metalurg.
In sport exista invinsi, in arta, nu. Sportul este un eveniment al momentului pe cand arta iese in afara timpului.
Artistii si sportivii au un tel comun: succesul.
In sport, lipsa succesului te arunca in groapa mediocritatii pe veci pe cand in arta te poti bucura de succes si post mortem.
Sinonime cu succes sunt triumf, reusita sau castig.
Toate aceste cuvinte implica un tel, un scop sau o tinta.
Printr-o asociere logica imi reiese ca succesul in viata este dat de un tel, un ideal sau o tinta.
Daca impartim viata in obiective, oare nu ratam esenta?
Ma intreb…
Noi am reusit cu succes sa inregistram un nou episod al podcatului nostru, “Terapie de Familie” ca doar si noi suntem manati de pasiune sa impartasim cu voi treburi noi!
Il puteti asculta aici.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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