The industrial revolution created mass production and school created mass consumers. We are a consumer society and in school, we learn competition, comparison, wish, and confirmation. All these are exterior things, the school doesn’t teach about emotions, feelings, instinct, correctness or altruism.
Children learn that friendship is superficial and you have to watch your own self-interest. In school, they also learn to follow an exterior authority, but they will never learn to follow their own instincts.
In school we learn that our mind is stimulated by repetition and copying and we will be tested to establish our self worth.
This way you will go astray from your own self worth and lose faith in yourself and your gut.
Lack of self-trust leads to fear and people are only led by fear if you take a look around. The school takes up most of the free time of children and parents.
You learn from a young age to be busy and grow up into a busy adult, never mature.
To ask yourself who you are and what is your purpose on this Earth you need time. School teaches you how to not have that time.
This is what our parents learnt and they wanted what’s best in the world for us. Parents don’t want time for their children, they want position and money.
Freedom is a financial thing, isn’t it?
In 2030 in Romania school of 15 grades will become mandatory. It will be mandatory to put your child into kindergarten at 3 years of age and he will go out a robot at 18.
What do we put our hopes into, as a society, to evolve, a structure of living robots? On consumerism and economical growth?
Mass education led us to become animals in an asphalt jungle.
And I don’t have time because I am working hard to pay my credit for a new… projector.
Come on, woof away!
Revolutia industriala a creat posibilitatea de a se produce in masa iar scoala s-a ocupat sa creeze consumatori in masa. Suntem o societate de consum, iar in scoala invatam competitia, comparatia, dorinta si confirmarea. Toate aceste lucruri sunt lucruri exterioare, in scoala nu se invata nimic despre emotii, sentimente, instinct, corectitudine sau despre altruism.
Copiii invata ca prietenia este superficiala si ca trebuie sa-ti urmaresti propriul interes. Tot in scoala ei invata sa asculte si sa urmeze autoritatea exterioara dar nu vor invata niciodata cum sa se asculte pe ei insisi.
La scoala invatam ca avem o minte care trebuie stimulata prin repetitie si copiere si vom fi testati pentru a ne afla valoarea.
In acest fel te departezi de propria valoare vei pierde increderea in sine si-n propria simtire. Lipsa de incredere in sine genereaza frica iar oamenii sunt condusi numai de frica daca va uitati in jur.
Scoala ocupa majoritatea timpului liber al copiilor si in acelasi timp si pe cel al parintilor. Inveti de mic sa nu ai timp si astfel ajungi un adult fara timp, niciodata matur.
Ca sa te intrebi cine esti si ce cauti pe acest pamant, ai nevoie de timp.
Scoala te invata sa nu-l ai.
Asta au invatat si parintii nostri care ne-au dorit tot binele din lume. Parintii nu doresc timp pentru copiii lor, parintii doresc pozitie si bani. Libertatea este doar financiara, nu-i asa?
In anul 2030 in Romania scoala va deveni obligatorie 15 ani. Va fi obligatoriu sa-ti dai copilul la gradinita de la 3 ani si va iesi robot la 18. Pe ce ne bazam ca si societate ca vom avansa, pe o structura de roboti in carne si oase? Pe consum si crestere economica?
Educati in masa am ajuns animale intr-o jungla de asfalt.
Si n-am timp frate ca ma chinui sa fac bani ca sa platesc in rate un proiector.
Hai, mrrrr d-aici!
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