When we don’t like a place, it’s simple, we don’t stay. It’s more complicated when we like it somewhere because it’s hard to leave.
For us time is relative. When we arrived in Arraial do Cabo, we didn’t plan to stay for more than three days, but it’s been two weeks already.
We had a boat trip, we saw dolphins and turtles, we saw one of the most beautiful beaches in Brazil, we did some hiking, we attended a live Jazz and Blues Festival and, not last, met beautiful people.
We listened to the ocean and wind, birds, we watched an Oscar sunset and two “normal” ones, we let the pets free and enjoyed every moment we spent together.
We drank lots of coffee and ate many mandarins.
Today we prepared the car for leaving and around noon we will leave and follow the coast on the North – West.
The plan is to have none, the destination is discovered, not planned.
We are like in a bubble, just us inside.
Someone said that if you can sit with yourself, you can stay with anybody. This is not right for me. If I stay with somebody, I miss sitting with me.
The good thing with the online, here I can stay with everybody.
See you tomorrow!
Cand nu ne place undeva e simplu, nu ramanem. Mai complicat este cand ne place undeva pentru ca ne este greu sa mai plecam.
Pentru noi timpul a devenit relativ. Cand am ajuns in Arraial do Cabo, nu vroiam sa stam mai mult de trei zile si au zburat doua saptamani deja.
Am facut o excursie cu vaporasul, am vazut delfini si broaste testoase, am vazut una dintre cele mai fruoase plaji din Brazilia, am facut cateva drumetii, am vazut live un festival de Jazz si Blues si nu in ultimul rand am intalnit oameni misto.
Am mai ascultat oceanul, vantul pasarile, am vazut un apus de Oscar si doua mai normale, am lasat animalele libere si ne-am bucurat de fiecare clipa petrecuta impreuna.
Am baut multa cafea si am mancat multe mandarine.
Astazi am pregatit masina de plecare pentru ca maine pe la orele pranzului o sa o luam din nou la roata cu directia Nord Vest, urmand coasta.
Planul este sa nu avem plan, urmatoarea destinatie se descopera nu se stabileste. Suntem ca intr-o bula, doar noi cu noi printre noi.
Cineva spunea ca daca poti sta tu cu tine, poti sta cu oricine. Mie nu mi se potriveste. Daca stau cu oricine, mi-e dor de mine cu mine!
Noroc cu online-ul, aici pot sta cu toata lumea.
Ne vedem maine.
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