Two years ago we were living in Peru, in a small village in the Sacred Valley of the Incas.
We chose to bring up our children in a free and adventurous way.
We couldn’t leave them in society’s institutions’ hands. Some say school is educational, but to me it is enrolling and forming. I don’t want to get to the prevail of authority killing creativity in the traditional educational system.
We got an email from a dad asking how to educate children to be free.
Of course you can’t, it would be an illusion to even try, it means you have no clue of the truth whatsoever, only pieces of ideas that come from within and make you believe that you actually thought of it.
You are not free and the only thing that you can pass on is the boundary of your limitations.
You cannot educate e child free, you let him free. What do you do while you don’t educate him, but rather let him free?
You watch, you interact, you support, you comfort, you say how much you love him and why.
I haven’t written lately because I was busy with Aris.
Parenting, that’s what I’ve been doing and it was quite LOVELY demanding.
We learn to express ourselves.
As they say that an image is like a thousand words, it’s like saying that when we film at a speed of 25 frames per second, we express around 25000 words per second.
I am very delighted to introduce his brand new vlog, aris.tv.
Unfortunately Aris chose to have it in Portuguese so my Mom and my grandma won’t understand much, but I promise that his smile and his face expression would make for a wonderful subtitling.
If you lime our work so far, check his youtube channel, that’s the headquarters for the show. A subscribe would make him especially happy.
Qualities, that you can educate, indeed. Perseverance is one of the qualities I consider of essence when you talk about success. How do you educate perseverance? Practicing, practicing, practicing.
Aris will record, edit and publish one video per day.
I recommend subscribing to, at the worst, check we have not posting, that’s when it’s interesting to know why that happened. 🙂
Cu doi ani in urma locuiam in Peru, intr-un mic satuc din Valea Sacra a Incasilor.
Am ales sa ne educam copiii intr-un spirit liber si aventurier.
Nu am avut inima sa-i lasam in mana societatii cu a ei instructie. Unii-i dau valente educative scolii, mie mi se pare inregimentare si formare.
Nu mai zic nimic despre cresterea autoritatii in dauna creativitatii in procesul traditional educativ.
Am primit un mail in care ma intreba un tatic cum educam copiii sa fie liberi!
Pai nu ai cum ar fi o iluzie doar sa incerci, inseamna ca nu ti-ai dat seama intr-adevar, ai doar franturi de idei ce vin din interior si-ti pocnesc in cap crezand ca tu te-ai gandit!
Tu nu esti liber si nu ai capacitatea decat in a transmite granitele limitarii tale.
Un copil nu se educa liber, se lasa liber. Ce faci tu cat timp nu-l educi si-l lasi liber?
Il urmaresti, interactionezi cu el, il sustii, il mangai, ii spui cat de mult il iubesti si de ce.
In ultimul timp nu am mai scris pentru ca am fost ocupat cu Aris. Parenting, asta am facut si mi-a ocupat tot timpul.
Invatam sa ne exprimam.
Cum se spune ca o singura imagine face cat 1000 de cuvinte, la un calcul rapid daca am filma cu 25 de cadre pe secunda, asta ar inseamna ca am exprima 25.000 de cuvinte intr-o secunda.
Am deosebita placere sa va anunt lansarea vlog-ului aris.tv
Din pacate Aris a ales sa-l faca in Portugheza, asa ca mama, mamaie nu o sa prea intelegeti dar promit ca zambetul si expresia vor face o treaba de subtitrare nemaipomenita.
Daca v-a placut ce treaba am facut, dati un ochi si pe canalul lui de Youtube, de acolo transmitem de fapt.
Un subscribe daca nu doare… dati, Aris se va bucura.
Calitatile in schimb se educa, da.
Perseverenta e una dintre calitatile de baza pe care eu consider ca trebuie sa le ai ca si ingredient in reteta succesului. Cum se educa perseverenta? Repetand, repetand, repetand!
Aris va filma, monta si publica cate un video in fiecare zi, sa vedem!
Eu spun sa dati subscribe doar sa vedeti cand nu o sa mai punem, atunci e interesant sa vezi de ce! 🙂
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