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Memories. We pass our memories to our children through our way of being and thinking.
We have imprinted on our subconscious the way of being of our parents.
We are like them, just as they are like their parents and so on.
Each of us has 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 grand-grandparents and so on, down the transgenerational path of our ancestors. Approximating the difference of age between generation at 25 years, in the last 500 years, we have gathered in us the memories of no less than 1 million 48 thousand 566 ancestors.
One million lives are connected with us just in the last 500 years.
These memories are encrypted in our DNA and present in our unconscious.
The consequence of these million lives we are connected to is us.
Because of them, we exist.
Because of them, we are.
Some of them were thieves, some of them princes, some died in wars or because of various diseases.
Between the collective unconscious that CG Jung first talked about and us, there is an interface of the personal unconscious.
Here the memories of our ancestors are alive through us.
Last night it rained. I slept with Lavinia all tangled like two happy cubs.
The cold, wet air came into the house through the open window and an emerald green smell touched our faces.
The almost full moon lighted the clouds and the drops of rain fell shining like in a show of lights. The moment seemed taken out of a fairytale with fairies, dwarfs, butterflies, and flowers.
In the morning we woke up with an apathetic and silent smile.
Sometimes it rains outside inside us.
The memories of millions of grandparents are expressing themselves and you feel it.
Sometimes sun, sometimes clouds.
I thank them because I feel and I AM.
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Memoriile. Memoriile noastre le pasam copiilor prin felul nostru de a fi si de a gandi. Avem in constient imprimat felul de a fi al parintilor nostri.
Semanam cu ei, precum ei seamana cu parintii lor si asa mai departe.
Fiecare dintre noi are doi parinti, patru bunici, opt strabunici si asa mai departe in jos pe coloana transgenerationala a stramosilor nostri.
Aproximand diferenta dintre generatii la 25 de ani, avem in ultimii 500 de ani avem inmagazinata in noi memoriile a nu mai mult nici mai putin de un milion patruzeci si opt de mii cinci sute saizeci si sapte de stramosi.
Un milion de vieti au legatura cu noi doar in ultimii 500 de ani.
Aceste memorii sunt encriptate in ADN-ul nostru si prezente in inconstient.
Consecinta acestor milioane de vieti de care suntem legati suntem noi.
Din cauza lor, noi existam.
Din cauza lor, noi suntem.
Unii dintre ei au fost hoti, altii printi iar altii au murit in razboaie sau din cauza diferitelor boli.
Intre inconstientul colectiv despre care vorbea prima data C.G.Jung si noi, sta ca si interfata inconstientul personal.
Aici sunt memoriile stramosilor prezente si inca vii prin noi.
Azi noapte a plouat. Am dormit cu Lavinia inghemotociti unul in altul ca doi pui fericiti.
Aerul rece si umed ne-a intrat in casa prin cadrul ferestrei larg deschise si un miros de verde smarald ne-a mangaiat pe fata.
Luna aproape plina lumina patura de nori iar picaturile dense ale ploii cadeau stralucind intr-un joc de lumini. Momentul parea rupt dintr-un basm cu zane, pitici, fluturi si flori.
Dimineata ne-am trezit cu un zambet apatic si tacut.
Cateodata afara ploua si in noi.
Memoriile milioanelor de bunici se exprima inca si dinauntru simti.
Cateodata soare, cateodata nori.
Le multumesc pentru ca simt si sunt.
Posted at 08:42h, 13 MarchCe frumos scrii! Ce frumos simti! Ar fi fain sa scriii o carte.
Posted at 12:36h, 13 MarchMultumesc Aura. De fapt Lavinia lucreaza la o carte. Ea scrie mult mai frumos decat mine! Scrisul ei este cald si bun precum cozonacul bunicii ei. Aaa si nu are spini! 🙂