I remember life in the city that was happening to me.
Get togethers with friends and talks about what we have been doing, gossips about acquaintances, all that filled my day.
And days were passing.
I once thought about staying silent for one month. Just stay and listen to my thoughts.
I felt like I was using words just because I had them and I could speak them.
I didn’t see substance or sense in them.
There wasn’t any.
I had the feeling that my own mind was like a washing machine where situations were thrown inside and thoughts came out somehow dirty.
I felt like the mind machine was not doing its job properly.
I couldn’t find the bleach that could get the stains out of the thoughts.
I still haven’t found it.
Very close to the house where we live, only a few minutes walk on a narrow path in the jungle, there is a waterfall on the river.
We come here every day.
The water of the river falls on the rocks and makes a deafening sound.
Here we don’t speak anymore.
Here we look at one another and we enjoy it.
Here we wash our thoughts.
Here, we stop hearing them.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Imi amintesc de viata la oras care mi se intampla. Intalnirile cu prietenii si povestile despre ce- am mai facut, nelipsitele barfe despre ceilalti cunoscuti, imi umpleau timpul.
Si timpul trecea.
M-am gandit o data sa incerc sa nu mai vorbesc o luna. Sa stau si sa-mi aud gandurile.
Mi se parea ca folosesc vorbele doar pentru ca le am si-mi vin. Nu vedeam o substanta sau un sens in ele.
Nici nu aveau.
Aveam impresia ca propria gandire functioneaza precum o masina de spalat in care erau aruncate intamplari si din care gandurile ieseau oarecum murdare.
Simteam ca masinaria numita minte nu-si face treaba in mod corect.
Nu gaseam inalbitorul cu care sa scot petele de pe ganduri.
Nici acum nu l-am gasit.
Foarte aproape de casa in care locuim, la numai cateva minute de mers pe o poteca ingusta ce serpuieste prin jungla dai de un rau cu cascada.
Aici, venim in fiecare zi.
Apa raului cade peste pietre si face un zgomot asurzitor de frumos. Aici nu mai vorbim.
Aici ne uitam unii la altii si ne bucuram.
Aici, ne spalam gandurile.
Aici, nu le mai auzim.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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