In principle, the volunteer program in Aldeia is quite simple, you work 4 hours for shelter and food. Besides the 4 hours, you must cook and clean by rotation. These hours are under “responsibilities”.
Besides the 4 hours and the responsibilities, you must participate in the community’s meeting where various things are discussed, from feelings and conditions to proposals and the well being of the community.
The rest is free time.
Volunteering in Aldeia is an experience I warmly recommend to anyone.
Aldeia is built around some simple principles that begin with NO. No smoking, no sugar, no screen time for children under 12.
The Internet is limited to 2 hours a day in order to facilitate the connection… to the ones around you, people or nature.
Today 4 new volunteers came.
A French guy, an Argentinian woman, a Romanian from Bacau and a Brazilian.
Usually, the volunteers arrive at 11:45.
Until 12:30, lunchtime, a quick tour is given to them.
After lunch, there is a gathering so we can get to know each other better.
This is done with coffee.
Today, after the meeting we all went to the waterfall.
The girls decided to swim topless.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
In principiu, programul de voluntariat in Aldeia este simplu, muncesti 4 ore pentru cazare si masa. In afara celor 4 ore mai trebuie sa gatesti si sa faci curat prin rotatie.
Aceste ore sunt trecute la responsabilitati. In afara celor 4 ore si a responsabilitatilor trebuie sa participi la intalnirile comunitatii unde se discuta diverse, de la sentimente si cum te simti pana la idei si propuneri pentru binele mers al comunitatii.
Ce ramane este timp liber.
Voluntariatul in Aldeia este o experienta pe care o recomand cu caldura oricui.
Aldeia este construita in jurul unor principii simple care incep cu NU.
Nu se fumeaza tutun, nu se foloseste zahar si copiii sub 12 ani, nu au voie sa vada ecrane de orice fel.
Internetul este limitat la doua ore pe zi spre a facilita conectia… cu ce-i in jurul tau, adica oameni sau natura.
Astazi au venit 4 noi voluntari. Un francez, o argentinianca, o romanca din Bacau si o brazilianca.
De obicei, voluntarii ajung in Aldeia la ora 11:45.
Pana-n 12:30 cand este masa, li se face un mic tur.
Dupa masa se organizeaza o intalnire ca sa ne cunoastem mai bine.
Asta se face cu cafea.
Azi, dupa intalnire am mers cu totii la cascada.
Fetele au decis sa se scalde in tatele goale.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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