Every morning the smell of fresh coffee brings me back to my senses. I barely open my eyes and then I can’t close them anymore, the day has started!
I wash my face vigorously as if I slept in mud. I don’t know why I do this, but I wet everything around me.
Sometimes, Lavinia quarrels with me.
I stare at her with a sober face, raising my eyebrows. I reply, calmly and brief: “I will clean it”.
Sometimes, I clean it.
Today she put it differently: “After you flood the bathroom, I will wait for you to have our coffee.”
I smiled and answered with a burp made by pressing my palm with my armpit.
An “I can’t believe it” came out of her mouth accompanied by a sigh.
I was looking at myself in the mirror, smiling.
Sometimes I feel like joking.
Sometimes my jokes are good.
We had our coffee looking out of the window. We will miss the beauty of the jungle in the morning light.
We will miss the night jungle sounds.
FaceTime or WhatsApp makes you miss people less, but when you miss places, it can only go away with plane tickets or traveled kilometers.
Will virtual reality replace travels? I don’t know.
Every day I sit in front of the laptop trying to put some words on “paper”.
To create with words, by arranging them one after the other.
Sometimes the meaning goes ahead of the words, blocking them.
Sometimes, there are no right words for the meaning.
After the coffee, the children woke up and the kitchen was filled with smoke and pancakes sounds.
Some ate them with honey, others with cheese and butter.
Tomorrow, the energy of the place will change.
Five new volunteers will make this happen.
Other than that, nothing, we wait…
In fiecare dimineata mirosul cafelei proaspat facute ma readuce la simturi. Nici nu am deschis ochii ca nu-i mai pot inchide, ziua a inceput!
Ma spal energic pe fata de parca am dormit in noroi. Nu stiu de ce fac asta dar stropesc tot in jur.
Cateodata, Lavinia ma cearta.
Eu o privesc fix si sobru, ridicand din sprancene.
Calm si scurt raspund: o sa sterg! Cateodata, sterg.
Astazi mi-a spus altfel: “Dupa ce inunzi baia, te astept sa ne bem cafeaua”.
Am zambit si i-am raspuns cu un part facut cu mana la subrat.
Un “nu pot sa cred” i-a iesit pe gura in acelasi timp cu un oftat.
Eu ma priveam in ochi in luciul oglindei si radeam.
Cateodata, am chef de glume.
Cteodata, sunt bune.
Ne-am baut cafeaua cu ochii pe geam. Frumusetea junglei in lumina diminetii o sa ne lipseasca. O sa ne lipseasca si sunetele junglei in noapte.
Facetime-ul sau whatsap-ul linisteste dorul de oameni dar dorul de locuri nu trece decat cu bilete de avion sau kilometri parcursi.
Oare realitatea virtuala va lua locul calatoriilor? Nu stiu!
In fiecare zi ma asez in fata calculatorului si incerc sa scot ceva dinauntru.
Sa creez din cuvinte asezandu-le unul dupa altul cu sens.
Cateodata sensul o ia in fata cuvintelor si le blocheaza.
Cateodata, nu exista cuvinte pentru sens.
Dupa cafea s-au trezit copiii si bucataria s-a umplut de fum si de miros asurzitor de clatite.
Unii le-au mancat cu miere, altii cu branza si unt.
Maine energia locului se va schimba.
Cinci noi voluntari vor participa la aceasta schimbare.
In rest, nimic, asteptam…
Radu Mârza
Posted at 07:06h, 10 MarchFrumos!