The evolution of technology has brought us the smartphone.
Smart us, we use them.
A smartphone offers us a connection. But not to ourselves.
Smartphones feed our desperate minds and calm them for a while.
When we get out of the smartphone, we feel a void, boredom, and restlessness.
We look at the pictures, movies, we use social media platforms, but we don’t spend time with ourselves.
The technology covered our soul with a blanket of gigabytes.
The mind is bedazzled by knowledge and information and full of others’ truths.
We feel hunger, we eat.
We feel pain, we go to the doctor.
We feel sadness or emptiness, we go to the shrink or priest. They will comfort you for a while.
Back in the days, people were oppressed by other people.
Now it’s exactly the opposite!
The world is as it is because each of us is exactly as he is.
Do we want change?
Start with yourself, throw away the phone, throw away the car keys and start walking.
You will get to you!
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Evolutia tehnicii ne-a adus telefoane inteligente. Inteligentii de noi, le folosim. Un telefon inteligent ne ofera conectie.
Dar nu cu noi.
Telefoanele inteligente ne hranesc mintea disperata si o linistesc pentru un timp.
Cand iesim din telefoanele inteligente, simtim un gol, plictiseala si neliniste. Ne uitam la poze, la filme, stam pe retele de socializare dar nu stam cu noi. Tehnica ne-a acoperit sufletul cu o patura de gigabiti.
Mintea este naucita de cunostinte si informatie si plina de adevaruri preluate. Simtim foame, mancam.
Simtim durere, mergem la doctor.
Simtim gol si tristete, mergem la psiholog sau la preot.
Ultimii, te alina pentru un moment.
Inainte, oamenii erau asupriti de catre oameni.
Acum, este exact invers!
Lumea este asa cum este pentru ca fiecare dintre noi este exact asa cum este. Vrem schimbare?
Incepe cu tine, arunca telefonul, arunca cheile de la masina si ia-o pe jos.
O sa ajungi la tine.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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