Every Sunday it takes place the gathering of the residents of the community and there we discuss the issues we consider important for the well being of the community.
At this moment we are 4 resident families, 8 adults, and 6 children.
Today we settled in a friendly manner that we, I AM Family, don’t match the community’s pattern as a LEGO piece so in the near future we will start spinning our wheels.
Outside the community format, we remain friends and we are thankful for the nice memories we have together.
Sun Tzu said “There are places to stay and places where you should run from. Both, you have to know them well.”
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…

In fiecare duminica avem intalnirea rezidentilor din comunitate, unde discutam subiecte pe care le consideram importante pentru buna functionalitate a comunitatii.
Rezidenti la ora actuala suntem doar 4 familii, 8 adulti si 6 copii.
Astazi am decis prieteneste ca noi, I AM Family, nu ne potrivim ca o piesa de LEGO pe formatul comunitatii si ca in viitorul apropiat ne vom lua rotile la spinare.
In afara formatului comunitatii ramanem prieteni si ne bucuram de amintirile frumoase construite impreuna.
Multumim Aldeii pentru experientele deosebite pe care ni le-a oferit.
Sun Tzu spunea: “Sunt locuri sa ramai si locuri de unde trebuie sa fugi. Pe amandoua trebuie sa le cunosti bine.”
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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