![Aecio Sarti](https://i0.wp.com/www.iamfamily.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Aecio_Sarti_8.jpg?fit=1024%2C683&ssl=1)
Civilized also means strict, regulated, rigid.
Paraty is a civilized town, but a relaxed one. Today we could afford the luxury of taking a cultural marathon in flip-flops.
We started at the House of Culture, we continued with a tour of art galleries on the street sharing the same name, then came the workshops and ended the tour with a coffee and a cake.
All in flip flops, relaxed.
Aecio Sarti, a complete artist who mesmerized us with his art and story. Shortly, he is born in 1959 in Aracaju in a poor family, having 6 brothers, at 14 he sells his first painting and at 16 he takes his first drawing class.
At 18 he sells everything he has including all his paintings and leaves for the United States where he attends Colorado Institute of Arts, in Denver.
In the ‘80’s he comes back to Brazil to continue his work, but the country is in the middle of financial turmoil so he abandons painting out of financial shortcomings.
He falls into a severe depression and for 20 years he never touches a brush again.
In 2002 he goes back to painting, has a huge success and will continue to live for and from his work.
In 2014 he isolates himself on a fishermen island, 2-hour boat ride from Paraty, with no electricity at that time.
A genius will remain a genius, some withdraw into themselves, some into the outside.
He has an online gallery, you can access it here and a physical one in the center of Paraty.
I forgot to tell you that he paints exclusively on truck tarps – giving each piece of work an additional exclusive touch. The tarps often have the stains and scars collected along their journeys, much like their subjects.
Today the pictures are exclusively for Master Aecio.
Feel free to like them or not!
Tomorrow I come back with the works of other artists, just as creative and talented.
Art cannot be compared because it is divine.
Picasso de Paraty
Civilizat mai inseamna si strict, regulat, rigid. Paraty este un orasel civilizat dar relaxat. Astazi ne-am permis luxul de a face un maraton cultural in slapi.
Am inceput cu Casa de Cultura, am continuat cu turul galeriilor de arta de pe strada cu acelasi nume, au urmat atelierele si am incheiat cu o cafea si o prajitura.
In slapi, relaxati.
AECIO SARTI, un artist desavarsit care ne-a cucerit cu arta si povestea sa. Pe scurt, se naste in 1959 in orasul Aracajú intr-o familie saraca avand 6 frati, la varsta de 14 ani vinde primele picturi iar la 16 ani face primul curs de pictura.
La 18 ani vinde tot ce are inclusiv toate picturile si cu banii stransi pleaca in Statele Unite unde intra la Colorado Institute of Arts, din Denver.
In anii 80 se intoarce in Brazilia cu intentia de a picta dar tara se afla in criza si abandoneaza pictura din motive financiare.
Intra intr-o depresie severa si nu mai pune mana pe pensula timp de 20 de ani.
In 2002 se intoarce la pictura, are un succes enorm si incepe sa traiasca din si pentru pictura.
In 2014 se retrage pe o insula de pescari, fara curent electric la momentul acela, la 2 ore de mers cu barca de Paraty.
Geniile sunt genii, unele se retrag in ele, altele se retrag in afara!
Are o galerie online, o puteti accesa aici si o galerie fizica in Centrul Istoric din Paraty.
Am uitat sa va spun ca panza pe care picteaza este prelata de camion reciclata.
Astazi, poze dedicate in exclusivitate Maestrului AECIO.
Nu sper sa va placa!
Maine, revin cu poze ale operelor celorlalti artisti, la fel de creativi si talentati.
Arta nu se poate compara pentru ca este divina!
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