Every morning the smell of fresh coffee brings me back to my senses. I barely open my eyes and then I can't close them anymore, the day has started! ...
Every morning the smell of fresh coffee brings me back to my senses. I barely open my eyes and then I can't close them anymore, the day has started! ...
There is no more adventure in people’s lives. What needs to be done is so exactly set that it leaves room for little else. ...
What have the children learnt in the 6 months spent in Aldeia? They have learnt a lot, but now I will tell the part about banana trees. They have learnt how they are cut, how they...
When you live in the jungle, you can step on a snake. In the city, a car can run into you. In both cases, distraction and luck matter....
Besides the questions related to money and how we support ourselves, there are the questions related to the education and the future of our children. More exactly, who and where would hire them without the...
Society equals structure. Well, this structure evolves and people within it must evolve accordingly. It's a group evolution that fits some, but for others it's tight as a straitjacket. ...
Lavinia is today 41 beautiful years and I made sushi. Fabricio and Guy enchanted us with live music and a soft smell of weed came from the garden. ...
I noticed that almost all travelers have their own special water bottle. I say special because it is an object with different designs, it’s reusable and its owner gets very attached to it. ...
I am lying in my bed and looking out the open window like at a screen. In the lower third I see the tips of the trees and it’s full of green, yellow and red....