


Etiologically speaking, the word “education” comes from the Latin “educatio” that means growth, feeding, cultivation. I, by education, understand a natural development of conscience and identity. I speak all the time to the children of the inner voice, I advise them to follow it and guide them to learn its inflexibilities. I tell them about people, time, body, soul and mind. I explain to them when they are angry, where this anger came from, what thought it came from and how to tackle that thought and reposition it like Rubik cube until the smile comes back on your face. We talk about plans, birds and God and we learn to listen to the wind and the ocean.

As I was previously telling you, we left Orange tree Beach enjoying an acai while watching the waves. We safely arrived to Bombinhas late in the evening. We wanted to stop at Sepultura Beach, but our car wouldn’t climb a hill. Lollipop gasped harder than ever before so we didn’t push her. Last time we did it cost us one month of sleeping in the garden of a mechanic in Asuncion plus a $1000 hole in the already small budget. We let her rest in an empty parking lot bordering a tropical forest.

We’ve been woken up by Oscar’s barking at a Teiu reptile the size of a Poodle. We took our bathing suits and set to explore the surroundings that are actually a natural reservation. Beaches in Brazil unfold one by one like on a string of beads so after the first hill we stop again. A different color of the water, a different color of the sand. The water is turquoise as in a Bora Bora commercial  and the sand is snow white; and when you walk on it, it squeaks like the snow, after all, Christmas is coming. Bombinhas is a peninsula in Southern Brazil with a particular fauna.

Here everything is tiny and elegant. We liked it so much that we searched for a place where we could stay for a few days and explore the place throughout. While looking, we found a small beach just in front of a fisherman’s house. Lavinia stayed in the combi to answer a staggering number of messages received following our republica.ro article. The fisherman’s yard is shadowed by a ruin with a former fishing boat inside. Lavinia will surely love it here for the pictures she can take. I returned to the combi, I tuned Lollipop a little bit. I took everybody out to make it lighter and then, with a little lift, it climbed the hill it couldn’t climb the other night. Everybody was very happy we were over this last hop; the last… until when?!

We camped in the fisherman’s yard, not before negotiating the price to half of it.

Kids, all clear, our house is on the beach now!













Etimologic vorbind cuvantul “educatie”deriva din latina de la cuvantul “educatio” care inseamna crestere, hranire, cultivare. Eu inteleg prin educatie o dezvoltare naturala a constiintei si a identitatii. Le vorbesc tot timpul copiilor despre vocea interioara, ii indemn sa o asculte si-i indemn sa-i recunosca inflexibilitatile! Le explic despre oameni, despre timp, despre trup despre suflet si despre minte. Le explic cand sunt suparati, cum a venit supararea, ce gand a provocat-o si cum sa te joci cu gandul ala, sa-l aranjezi pe culori ca si cum te-ai juca cu un cub Rubik pana rasare zambetul pe buze. Mai vorbim despre plante, pasari si D-zeu, si invatam sa asculte vantul si oceanele.

Asa cum v-am zis ieri, am parasit plaja Portocalilor cu un ultim Açai complet, savurat cu ochii in valurile spumegande. Am ajuns cu bine in statiunea Bombinhas seara tarziu. Am vrut sa campam la Plaja Sepultura dar nu a fost chip sa urcam o panta. Lollipop gafait mai rau ca niciodata asa ca nu am fortat-o! Ultima oara cand am facut asta m-a costat 1 luna de dormit in gradina unui mecanic in Asuncion plus 1000 de dolari gaura in bugetul deja stramt.. Am lasat-o sa se odihneasca peste noapte intr-o parcare goala, la marginea unei paduri tropicale.

Ne-am trezit dimineata cu latratul lui Oscar care fusese luat prin surprindere de o reptila Teiu de marimea unui Pudel!

Ne-am luat costumele de baie si am plecat in explorarea statiunii, declarat rezervatie naturala. Plajele pe coasta Braziliei sunt aranjate una dupa alta ca perlele unui colier, asa ca dupa primul deal oprim din nou. S-a schimbat culoarea apei s-a schimbat culoarea nisipului. Apa este spre turquaz de parca suntem in Bora Bora iar nisipul este de un alb stralucitor, cand mergi pe el apasat scarzaie ca zapada ca doar se apropie Craciunul. Bombinhas este o peninsula  din sudul Braziliei cu o fauna aparte.

Aici totul este mic si elegant. Ne place atat de mult incat toata ziua am petrecut-o cautandu-ne un cuib in care sa petrecem mai multe zile si sa exploram locul la maxim.Tot cautand am dat de o plaja mica in fata casei unui pescar. Lavinia ramasese in Lollipop sa raspunda numarul imens  de mesaje primite in urma articolului scris pentru republica.ro. Curtea omului este umbrita de o ruina ce adaposteste o barca iesita din functiune. Sigur o sa-i placa Laviniei aici din perspectiva fotografiilor ce le poate face.

Ne-am intors la Combi,am reglat-o pe Lollipop. Am dat pe toata lumea jos, ca sa o fac mai usoara, apoi mi-am luat avant si am urcat panta de care ziceam ce nu o putusem urca cu o seara in urma.  Spre bucuria tuturor am reusit sa urcam si ultima panta; ultima pana cand?!

Am tras la nea pescarul nu inainte de a negocia pretul la mai putin de jumatate.

Copii, libeeeeeer, acum casa este pe plaja!

1 Comment
  • Alexandra Dabu
    Posted at 18:23h, 25 November Reply

    Buna seara, am aflat de voi de curand dintr-o postare a unei prietene pe bine cunoscuta retea de socializare facebook. Povestea asta a voastra, pe care vi-o scrieti singuri, zi de zi, pe drum in cea mai mare parte a timpului, din ce citesc, ma fascineaza, ma impresioneaza, trezeste in mine tot felul de sentimente si intrebari, care practice, care existentiale, la care de mult caut raspuns. As vrea sa aflu mai multe despre cum poti sa te bucuri altfel de viata intr-o lume in care multi dintre noi traim la fel, dupa niste tipare pe care le urmam in mod inerent si inertial, fara sa ne mai punem prea multe intrebari sau din teama de a ne da niste raspunsuri.Numai din pozele de sus, imi este suficient sa inteleg ca voi ati reusit sa vedeti toata aventura asta, care se cheama viata, exact ca ceea ce este…o aventura, cu tot ceea ce cuprinde cuvantul asta in intesul lui: joc, natura si naturalete, libertate, risc, neprevazut si descoperire de sine in raport cu tot ce ne inconjoara. Multumesc si sper sa ne auzim curand!

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